Fritzing dc power supply
Fritzing dc power supply

See also SCH DC Power: wires from the center of the connectors

fritzing dc power supply

The DC power (sch part only) is not aligned with the grid correctly and has a problem with the wires connecting in the middle of the connectors. This forces to rotate the part (which is annoying for advanced users) or contributes to creating “ugly” schematics by beginners, see power supplies need to be oriented vertically The battery part in core is ok, but it is rotated 90 degrees, which is not the common way of writing electronics (power at the top and ground at the bottom).

fritzing dc power supply

I could use your expertise with SVGs and Fritzing conventions if you are up to it. I am working on extending the simulator for transitory analysis and I realized that the different power supplies have some issues and they are very heterogeneous.

Fritzing dc power supply